Christmas Gifts for Your Staff

There is so much to get done in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season! We have compiled a list of gifts and ideas to make your staff feel valued, so you don’t have to add that to your to-do list. Along with ideas, we have also made all of the tags and freebies you need.

Drink Bar

Teachers seem to love a good cup! Create a drink bar for your teachers, and the cup is their gift.  You could have a water bar with cups and a variety of flavor packs, or a coffee/hot chocolate bar and they choose a mug. If cups aren’t in your budget, they will still love the drink!

Plastic Drinking Cups:

Disposable Festive Coffee Cups:

Hot Chocolate Packets:

Flavored Water Packets:

“Tag” Gifts 

Give your staff small tokens for a week or even the 12 days of Christmas with these tags and simple gifts. They will love finding them in their mailbox or on their desk each day. Below are gifts to match our tags!


Hand Soap:

Jolly Ranchers:


Cookie Exchange 

Plan a cookie exchange for your staff.  This could take place during a faculty meeting, a holiday party, or in the lounge throughout the day.  Everyone makes their favorite cookie, and the staff votes on the most creative, most festive, best all around, etc!  

Small Christmas Plates:

Christmas Sock Shop

Create a fun sock shop for your staff to visit throughout the day to get a pair of Christmas socks!

Christmas Sock Sets:

Chex Mix Bar 

Create a chex mix bar in your lounge or workroom for teachers to stop by during the day and make their own mix.  You can provide cereals, candies, nuts, and dried fruits.  The festive bags just add to the fun!

Goodie Bags:

Plastic Serving Bowls:

Plastic Scoops:

Boxed Lunches

Treat your teachers to a boxed lunch. These cute cardboard boxes will hold their meal, and you can deliver them to their room or have them on a table for a ‘grab and go’ meal.  Order sandwiches from a local restaurant, add chips and a drink, and they are ready to go. We even found some cute napkins to complete the theme!  Teachers will enjoy not having to pack their lunch for a day!

Cardboard Lunch Boxes:

Festive Napkins:


Superhero Teacher Appreciation Week!


Hawaiian Teacher Appreciation Week