We also believe that it takes time to evoke true change and growth. Therefore, you’ll find that many of our PD sessions are built on a gradual release model. We breakdown topics into manageable sessions that clearly define a next step for teachers so they feel as though they can implement what they learn without feeling overwhelmed. This format allows teachers to truly implement what they learn when they leave each session, and the multiple-session approach allows for reflection, collaboration, and long-term change. For example, when training on tiered instruction, we would break the PD into three sessions, starting with data collection and analysis, then strategies and grouping, and wrapping up with how to run a fully tiered classroom. Teachers will have the ability to work through the second and third sessions with their own student data and classroom experiences, making the PD more relevant and transferable!

At TailorED, you’ve found your one stop shop when it comes to professional development! Whether you’re looking for customized PD, on-demand sessions you can present yourself, or a bank of asynchronous sessions, we have what you need! Our PD comes in various formats based on your goals, needs, and budget. Regardless of the PD you choose, all of our sessions are founded on our 4 Principles of Effective PD. By focusing on these principles, we ensure teachers will be engaged and leave with the knowledge and tools they need to be successful!

Customized Professional Development

Our customized sessions are designed to reduce administrator workload while still providing teachers with high quality PD aligned to your school’s specific goals and initiatives. Whether you’re looking to have us present to your staff or need the slide decks and sessions prepared for you to deliver, you can be confident that the information and training your teachers are getting will be the jumpstart for change at your school!

All PD sessions come with slides, speaker notes, interactive activities, and resources or concepts that can be implemented immediately.

PD Formats

  • In-Person Sessions

  • We Create-You Present

  • Zoom Sessions

  • Train the Trainer

  • Asynchronous

Types of Sessions

  • PD Days (1/2 or full day)

  • Faculty Meetings

  • PLC Meetings

  • Small Group

  • Admin Retreats

  • Gradual Release (multi-session)

Instructional Sessions

  • Classroom Management

  • Effective Instructional Block

  • Maximizing Remediation

  • Tiered Instruction

  • Small Group Instruction

  • Student Engagement

  • Understanding Standards

  • Rigor

  • Supporting Struggling Readers

  • Cooperative Learning

  • Goal Setting

Administrative Sessions

  • Adaptive Leadership

  • Communication & Feedback

  • Goal-Centered Schools

  • Self Care & Time Management

  • Effective & Aligned Walkthroughs

  • Analyzing Schoolwide Data

  • Setting Up Effective Schoolwide Committees

  • Building Capacity Internally

  • Scheduling for Success

  • Creating a Positive Climate and Culture

  • Bridging the Gap Between School and Community

This is a list of sessions we’ve done in the past - but we can customize and create sessions for any topic you are interested in presenting to your staff!

On Demand Professional Development

Do you need quality PD that’s ready for you to present to your staff? Check out our premade, on-demand professional development sessions that are ready to be implemented with little work from you! All you need to do is read over the speaker notes and make any necessary copies, and you’re ready to go!