Welcome to Tailored Education! We work directly with principals and districts to provide the resources and ideas they need to support their staff and maximize instruction. We are committed to providing customized support tailored to the unique needs of each school or district. We create programs, PD, and resources that align with the school’s current goals and initiatives while building capacity from within to ensure growth and success. We are so happy you found us!



We provide customized PD that fits the needs of your school or district. Our PD comes in a variety of formats that are all created with teacher engagement in mind! Regardless of what model you choose, your teachers will leave happy and with the knowledge and resources they need to begin transforming their instruction!

New and Global

Teacher Support

Joining the public education system can look many different ways now. Whether your teachers come from a traditional program, an alternate pathway, or another country, we know all teachers can benefit from support and coaching. Our resources and supports can be customized to meet the individual needs of your teachers and your budget!

Principal and Leadership


We know what it takes to lead a school and build capacity. When you are looking to make a change, it takes a lot of work! Whether you are trying to change your schedule or tackle your school improvement plan, we are here to support you and help you align your goals.

How could student engagement change your school? We know how powerful student engagement is and the effect it can have on so many other areas. So, we wrote Bashing Boredom as a practical guide with almost 40 strategies, over 115 tips and ideas for implementation, and 10 QR codes for ready-made resources. Order your copy below!

Check out our blogs about instruction, classroom community and culture, and self-care! They are all centered around creating an engaging, welcoming, collaborative classroom that meets the needs and interests of all the students in your classroom!